The Akron Independent Horror Short Film Festival

Devoted to Ohio Filmmakers

When: Saturday, September 20th, 2025.  

Where: The Akron Civic Theatre

Season 2 submissions NOW OPEN! 

Final Look Deadline Ends July 1st

The Akron Independent Horror Short Film Festival is a celebration of Ohio Filmmakers. Our goal is to spotlight local Ohio Filmmakers within the Horror genre.

The Akron Civic Theatre, opened as Loew’s Akron Theatre on April 20, 1929 with Robert Ames in “The Voice of the City” on the screen. We are excited to get back our theatrical roots to host The Akron Independent Horror Short Film Festival. AIHSFF is celebration of Ohio Filmmakers and shorts that were filmed in Ohio. We’ll accept films produced from any date, as long as the it was filmed and/or Filmmaker resides or has resided within Ohio. IE, if you have a great horror film from 50’s or before, we’re dying to see it! Season 2 NOW OPEN!